Lekuan I & II are classic wall dives on the south side of Bunaken Island. Several large green turtles (Chelonia mydas) sleep on ledges on the walls here. Diagonal-banded sweetlips and pelagic fish such as kawakawa (mackerel tuna) pass by in the blue. We also meet a clown triggerfish, a blue-face angelfish being shadowed by a trumpetfish, a golden damsel, a male whitespotted boxfish, a doublebar goatfish and a pink anemonefish. A red lionfish hovers over the hard corals in the shallows. Shot in June 2006 with www.TwoFishDivers.com More Bunaken videos at http
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Lekuan 1 & 2 , Bunaken Island
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