Jayawijaya Mountains are also the only mountain and mountain in Indonesia, which has a peak covered with eternal snow. Although not all of the peak of the cluster Jayawijaya Mountains that has snow. Snow is owned by several peaks even at this time is lost due to weather changes globally.

Jayawijaya was in bed Baliem Valley, an alluvial valley that lies in the area of 1500-2000 m altitude above sea level. Air temperature varied between 14.5 degrees Celsius to 24.5 degrees Celsius. Within a year the average rainfall is 1900 mm and within a month there are approximately 16 days of rain. Dry season and rainy season is difficult to distinguish. Based on the data, the month of March is the month with the greatest rainfall, while the lowest rainfall was found in July.
Baliem valley surrounded by mountains Jayawijaya famous for his eternal snow peaks, among others: Trikora Peak (4750 m), Puncak Mandala (4700 m) and Puncak Yamin (4595 m). Mountains are very attractive tourist and researcher of Natural Sciences since its peak is always covered with snow even in the tropics. Steep mountain slopes and river valleys are narrow and steep characteristic of these mountains. Basin wide river valleys are found only in the Baliem Valley West and East Baliem (Wamena).
Natural vegetation of tropical moist forest in lowland forests provide opportunities in fast-growing climate in this valley. Mountain forest ecosystem grown in the area between 2000-2500 m altitude above sea level.

Dani people in the valley Baliem commonly referred to as "The Valley Dani." The average increase in population is very low compared Dani people in other parts of Indonesia, one reason is the reluctance of mothers to have children more than two people in the low population in the Valley Dani Baliem. The attitude of abstinence in the mother as long as there are still breast-fed child, making a rare birth spacing. This is in addition of course, because their customs, encourage polygamy. Polygamy occurs mainly in men are rich, have a lot of pigs. Pigs are the main dowry given male to female family. Besides as a dowry, also pig as a symbol of joy and digunaklan grief. Pigs are also a means of payment fines against various indigenous pelanggaraan. In a traditional feast of pork is never forgotten even the subject of major consumption.
Prior to 1954, population Jayawijaya is a homogenous society and live in groups according to the traditional, social and tribal confederation respectively. At this present time Jayawijaya already heterogeneous population who come from different parts of Indonesia with a background of social, cultural and religious differences but life mingling and mutual respect.
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